energy brokers

Small Market

The Small-Scale Renewable Energy Target (SRET) creates a financial incentive for individuals and small businesses to install eligible Small-Scale Renewable Energy Systems including solar panel systems
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energy brokers

Large Market

Accredited renewable energy power stations are entitled to create Large-Scale Generation Certificates (LGC) which are generated yearly and based on the amount of eligible renewable electricity they produce above their baseline.
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energy brokers

LED Lighting

We can help you improve your Lux levels whilst simultaneously reducing your energy cost by upgrading your current lighting with more efficient and long-lasting lighting technology
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energy brokers

Solar Systems

The primary reason businesses choose to add Solar Power to their premises is to reduce the cost of their energy bills. By consuming the energy you generate yourself...
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energy brokers

Specialised Reporting

The reports will provide customers with quality data & information in an easy to read report giving you the opportunity to target high monthly consumption periods or immediately address changes in site ‘efficiency’
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energy brokers

Bill Validation

Our Bill Validation team has extensive experience and will go the extra mile to confirm all your charges are accurate on your behalf.
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Energia Image

Gas Tendering

Energy Brokers complete the entire tender process on your behalf. We are always available to answer any questions during the tender process...
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